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SDI 2240 & 2480 HERMETIC

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SDI Accelerometers at DigiKey
SDI Model 2240 accelerometer
SDI model 2480 accelerometer
Download the SD 2240 & 2480 datasheet

The high-performance Models 2240 and 2480 Specialty Hermetic MEMS DC Test & Measurement Accelerometer Modules from Silicon Designs (SDI) provide enhanced performance over temperature in zero to medium frequency applications experiencing large or rapid temperature variations or maintaining hot or cold extremes for extended periods of time where environmental conditions require a hermetic package.  

The SDI Models 2240 and 2480 contain a single or three orthogonally mounted, proprietary SDI Model 1522 accelerometer LCC chips, making them even less sensitive to temperature changes and gradients from -55 to +125°C and greatly reducing bias and scale factor temperature shifts for premium performance.  Each temperature compensated, premium accelerometer LCC is individually tested, calibrated and verified in a climate chamber. 



± 2 g

± 5 g

± 10 g

± 25 g

± 50 g

± 100 g

± 200 g

± 400 g

  • Low Noise: 10 μg/rootHz Typical for ±2g Full Scale Versions

  • -55 to +125°C Operating Temperature Range 

  • Acceleration and Vibration Sensing

  • Excellent Long-Term Stability

  • Flexible +8 to +32 VDC Power  

  • ±4V Differential Output or 0.5V to 4.5V Single Ended Output

  • Responds to frequencies from zero (DC) to 2000+ Hz

  • Low Impedance Outputs Support up to 2000 Feet of Cable

  • Simple Four (4) or Eight (8) Wire Connection

  • Rugged, Hermetic Titanium Case Capable of IP67

  • Fully Calibrated and Serialized for Traceability

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Onboard voltage regulation and an internal voltage reference eliminate the need for precision power supplies. Integrated amplifiers and low impedance outputs support up to 2000 feet of cable.

Their rugged, lightweight, IP67 rated hermetically sealed titanium cases and IP61 rated specialty connectors allow for customized cable lengths and easy repositioning.  The connector can also meet IP67 when sealed with a boot, sleeve, or heat shrink.  Either case is easily mounted via two screws, adhesive, or by attaching a magnet. 


Both the 2240 and 2480 come with an initial calibration report featuring additional information about the linearity, output, phase, and frequency response as tested for each unit. 


SDI Accelerometer apps
g Range
Sensitivity, Differential
Frequency Response (Typ, -3 dB)
Frequency Response(Min, -3 dB)
Frequency Response (Typ, 5%)
Output Noise, Differential (RMS, Typ)
Max. Mechanical Shock (0.1 ms)
μg/(root Hz)
g (peak)
0 – 525
0 – 300
0 – 250
0 – 800
0 – 420
0 – 400
0 – 1100
0 – 660
0 – 700
0 – 1750
0 – 1050
0 – 1300
0 – 2100
0 – 1400
0 – 1600
0 – 3000
0 – 1700
0 – 1700
0 – 3600
0 – 2100
0 – 1900
0 – 4200
0 – 2400
0 – 2000


SDI Models 2240 and 2480 MEMS DC Accelerometers provide optimal performance when they are connected to instrumentation in a differential configuration using both the AOP and AON output signals, but they also support single ended operation for complete flexibility. 


These Accelerometers produce differential analog output voltage pairs (AON & AOP) which vary with acceleration.  The signal outputs are fully differential about a common mode voltage of approximately 2.5 volts.  At zero acceleration, the output differential voltage is nominally 0 volts DC; at ±full scale acceleration, the output is ±4 volts DC, respectively, as shown in the figure (below).  The output scale factor is independent from the supply voltage of +8 to +32 volts. 


When a differential connection is not possible, SDI recommends connecting the accelerometer to instrumentation in single ended mode by connecting AOP and GND to the instrumentation and leaving AON disconnected.  Keep in mind that the signal to noise ratio is reduced by half for a single-ended vs. a differential connection.

SDI accelerometer differential and single ended output plots


All Models: Unless otherwise specified, Vs=+8 to +32 VDC, TC=25°C, Differential Mode.  Span = ±g range = 8000 mV.

Note (1): For 2g thru 50g only; 100g and greater versions are tested and specified from -65 to +65g.

NOTICE:  Stresses greater than those listed may cause permanent damage to the device.  These are maximum stress ratings only.  Functional operation of the device at or above these conditions is not implied.


SDI Model 2240

SDI 2240 Case

SDI Model 2480

SDI 2480 Case

Please see the data sheet for sensor location and other additional details. 

request your quote
Download the SD 2240 & 2480 datasheet


Model 2232 Magnetic Mount

  • 10 lbs / 4.6 KG pull force

  • Rated for use up to +/-50G

  • Low mass: 23 grams

SDI model 2232 magnetic mounting block

Model 2235 Stud Mount Adaptor Block

  • Stud mount Adaptor for any SDI module

  • Anodized 6061-T6 aluminum block

  • 6.2 grams, 0.7” x 1” footprint

SDI model 2235 mounting block


Silicon Designs provides an all-encompassing Universal Accelerometer Module Family for applications with higher voltage available.  SDI’s Universal Accelerometer Modules support +8 to +32V DC, and onboard voltage regulation and an internal voltage reference eliminate the need for precision power supplies.

SDI model 2210 2260 2266 accelerometers

The SDI Models 2460 and 2466 are the orthogonal three-axis versions of the 2210, 2260, and 2266, respectively,  with similar performances.

The SDI Models 2210, 2260, and 2266 are Universal Single Axis MEMS Accelerometers ideal for most applications.  They offer a cost savings for applications that need SDI’s excellent performance in standard test and measurement environments.

SDI model 2460 an 2466 accelerometers

The Premium High-Performance SDI Models 2220 and 2276 are the high-performance single axis modules built with an upgraded SDI accelerometer chip inside. These high-performance chips reduce the bias and scale factor temperature shift performance, a valuable benefit for applications experiencing large or rapid temperature variations or maintaining hot or cold extremes for extended periods of time.    

SDI 2220 and 2276 accelerometers

The Premium High-Performance SDI Models 2470 and 2476 are the  three axis versions of the 2220 and 2276 with similarly upgraded SDI accelerometer chips and improved bias and scale factor temperature shift performance.  

SDI model 2470 and 2476 accelerometers

Phone:      +1 425-391-8329

Fax:           +1 425-391-0446

​Address:   13905 NE 128th St.

                  Kirkland, WA 98034 USA

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