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SDI's quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 certified, confirming its commitment to quality in the design and manufacture of all its MEMS DC accelerometer chips and modules.


Silicon Designs, Inc., is a world-class supplier of precision manufactured MEMS DC accelerometers.


Our Quality goal is to achieve success through a shared commitment to meet or exceed our customer’s requirements and expectations through teamwork, continuous improvement, and innovation.


To achieve our mission, it is essential that we focus on quality in everything we do throughout our organization.


In short, we go all out to make a great product, provide on-time delivery, keep our customers happy, and continually improve our product and our company.


  • Quality Management Systems compliant with  ISO 9001:2015

  • Equipment calibration to ANSI Z540.3

  • Clean room meeting ISO 14644-1 & -2

  • ESD control to ANSI ESD S20.20

  • Product screening to MIL-STD-883

  • Product qualification based on MIL-PRF-38534 (non QML)

  • SPC implemented on critical processes​



Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires publicly-traded companies subject to SEC regulation to report the presence of certain “conflict materials” in their products that originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries. The term “conflict minerals” refer to columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, wolframite, and gold, or derivatives which are limited to tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (3TGs).  Silicon Designs, Inc. supports the humanitarian goals of conflict minerals legislation. However, SDI is not a publicly-traded company, is not subject to SEC regulation, and is therefore not subject to conflict minerals reporting requirements.


In order to support its customers that are subject to this legislation, SDI has adopted a Conflict-Free Minerals Sourcing Policy.  SDI’s suppliers are expected to provide materials and components that are conflict free, which means either: 1) any 3TGs necessary to the functionality or production of supplied materials must not directly or indirectly fund armed conflict in the DRC or adjoining countries, or 2) any 3TGs must be from recycled or scrap sources.


We understand the cost of conflict minerals reporting compliance can be high, especially for small manufacturers like SDI.  However, we expect our suppliers to use due diligence with their own suppliers to ensure full compliance.


SDI supplies to companies all over the globe, and every one of its customers expects a quality product.  In turn, SDI expects quality, conformity, and a commitment to uphold the same standards for excellence that SDI values.  Q-Notes are both flow-downs and originating from SDI.  

Phone:      +1 425-391-8329

Fax:           +1 425-391-0446

​Address:   13905 NE 128th St.

                  Kirkland, WA 98034 USA

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© 2023 Silicon Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. In the interest of constant product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Silicon Designs, SDI with associated logo, G-Logger, and Q-Module are trademarks of Silicon Designs, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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